martes, 3 de febrero de 2009

En la Guyana Esequiba exoneran a dos empresas madereras asiáticas por 5 Millones de dólares de USA.

Tomado de: del 03 de febrero de 2009
Two Asian loggers granted waiver of import duties totalling US$5M
Dear Editor,
The list of beneficiaries of “Revenue loss” granted by the Government of Guyana in 2007, which was published in the Guyana Chronicle on January 25, 2009, shows that the Asian loggers continue to benefit from a waiver of import duties, even while they declare no taxable earnings year after year, employ only a small number of Guyanese at the lowest paying jobs and export our prime hard and heavy timbers at the lowest prices worldwide for comparable woods, an indication of under-reporting of FOB value; contrary to Customs law.

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) waived over US$6 million in taxes due by 19 timber companies in 2007. Of that total, two Asian loggers benefited from the waiver of over US$5 million, or 83 % of all waivers. Barama Company Ltd took 65 per cent and Bai Shan Lin 18 per cent of all the forest sector exemptions, leaving just 17 per cent for the remaining forestry companies.

Jailing Timber Company, which had obtained a waiver of approximately US$90,000 in 2006, is absent from the 2007 data, helping to confirm that it has been sold to Bai Shan Lin. Jailing Timber Company had sold a 51 per cent equity interest in Guyana’s forests to Seapower Resources International Limited in 2007 for a consideration of US$19.8 million.

Through your newspaper I would like to ask again the following questions of Go-Invest, GRA and the Ministry of Finance:

What total investment in Guyana in Financial Year 2007 was shown in the audited accounts of the Asian recipients? How much of that investment was brought in from outside the country? And, what profits, capital sums, interest payments or payments for management charges levied by expatriate owners were exported outside Guyana in the same period of time?

Now that Guyana has waived US$5,148,470 to these two Asian loggers, what taxes did they pay over the same period?

How many Guyanese registered on the NIS roll did these two Asian loggers employ during 2007.

How many Asians did they employ, in their offices and in the forests, directly and indirectly, including contractors, and in their illegally rented concessions?
Yours faithfully,
Janette Bulkan
1. Brendan Samaroo says:

How much you want to bet no one answers this question? but this is where the media in Guyana is extremely weak. This is the kind of stuff the media should be investigating and chasing down.
2. Sarka says:

I will expect that ALL bloggers and blahggers here to stand up and ask these questions. This is where Stabroeknews reporters will have to show Guyanese and the world why Stabroek News must retain it’s spot as NUMERO UNO!!!! SN must go out and GET ANSWERS, I am counting on you. Journalists must take up their primary role as GUARDIANS OF THE CITIZENS RIGHTS and WATCH OVER THE ASSETS OF GUYANA!!!
3. DMACK says:

I hope the opposition party can run with this, this is taken food from your mouth no matter what colour, creed or party affiliation you belong too.

4. My Take ! ! ! !.... not found says:
February 3, 2009 at 11:16 am
…. the President is on a “sweep”,,, this should be in his path !….
We,, de people,,,, DEMAND answers thru the dilligence of the SN staff of investigative reporting after this and many more such QUESTIONS is asked and appropiate educated — need i mention intelligent ??? –answers is given to equally intelligent Questions ! the kind that will put whom ever from the Govt is being QUESTIONED on the spot !
one of the questions that needs to be explored and asked in a variety of ways simply by rearrangement of the syntax is the level of TRANSPARENCY in the affairs of the PEOPLE ! consistency of the use of the word “transparency” is predominant among major wealthy nations on the planet ,, it should be more so in and among ours !……

Nota del Editor del blog: Al referenciarse a la República Cooperativa de Guyana se deben de tener en cuenta los 159.500 Km2, de territorios ubicados al oeste del río Esequibo conocidos con el nombre de Guayana Esequiba o Zona en Reclamación sujetos al Acuerdo de Ginebra del 17 de febrero de 1966.

Hemos decidido no traducir este artículo para que el mismo no pierda su verdadero significado al hacerlo. Simplemente haremos el respectivo comentario. A través de él apreciamos que las empresas madereras fuera, de que no son supervisadas por el ente regulador en Guyana sobre el verdadero volumen cubico de madera extraída por falta de capacitación técnica, impericia, falta de recursos humanos logísticos, financieros y actos de corrupción. Se les exonera de los respectivos pagos de impuestos.

Por otra parte el Presidente de Guyana Sr Bharrat Jagdeo se rasgo la vestiduras en Polonia en la pasada Cumbre sobre el Cambio Climático exigiendo a los países desarrollados el pago en dólares para preservar la floresta, y meses antes le había solicitado al gobierno británico la protección de las selvas.

En contra posición con el fraude, a la concesiones entregadas por el Gobierno Guyanés de las empresas madereras que las extraen destruyendo las selvas ubicadas en los territorios que reclama Venezuela conocidos como la Guayana Esequiba, con la anuencia del Gobierno venezolano (su representante en el 2004 al visitar a Georgetown señalo “.... que no se oponía a su explotación con fines sociales...”). ¡Qué ingenuidad! para obtener el apoyo internacional con los votos del CARICOM frente a los objetivos e intereses nacionales y de las diferentes constituciones de la Nación venezolana especialmente la de 1961 y 1999.
Invitamos a nuestros lectores a revisar los siguientes links de la prensa Guyanesa. Donde se señalan infinidad de irregularidades en la explotación maderera, depredación ambiental y el Gobierno venezolano no hace absolutamente nada, y él está obligado al menos en nota diplomática de dejar salvado los derechos de nuestra Nación en esos territorios.

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