miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

La foto de la catarata de Amaila es reveladora –Necesitamos de los brasileños, que quieren construir una hidroeléctrica en Tortuba. Manaus-Guyana


El proyecto Hidroeléctrico de Amaila se desarrolla en el centro o el corazón de la Zona en Reclamación o Guayana Esequiba 

Caida o catarata de Amaila - poco flujo de agua para una hidroeléctrica 

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Kaieteur foto de Amaila Falls News es muy revelador

Version en ingles

Kaieteur News photo of Amaila Falls is very revealing

October 14, 2013 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters 
Dear Editor,
It is with no surprise that I read in the Kaieteur News of 12th October 2013 that the water flow of the Amaila falls is almost non-existent and is therefore probably not a reliable place to put a hydroelectric dam.

I say this since that most disturbing photo on the front page of the Kaieteur News of 12th October was not unexpected, since it substantiates the observations made in a letter by one Delgado5 [name and address given] dated August 8th 2013 and published in Kaieteur News, captioned “What the public should know about the Amaila project”. Delgado5 is clearly a qualified engineer who is very knowledgeable about what is planned for Amaila and went to some pains to point out that the design of the Amelia hydro project visualized a catchment of only 90 sq kilometers. Other studies inform us that this catchment is too small given the expected output of Amaila, and its functioning would be seriously compromised after a routine period of only 26 days if no rainfall! Why is it that the public is only now awakening to these facts through the excellent coverage of the matter with that one photograph?

I don’t know who Delgado5 is but his letter was a gold mine of information. He tells us this “Harza Engineering and Synergy along with Kaehne Consulting Limited of Canada were the entities that designed the civil works of the project. Sithe Global group of the United States is an international energy company. The company’s presence in Guyana is for the sole purpose of developing, owning and operating the Amaila Hydro Project. The company has already spent millions on the project and intends to spend more during the construction period. Sithe Global will supervise and manage the construction.

The construction would be done by China Railway, a world famous infrastructure builder. Northwest Hydro Consulting Engineers (NHCE) of Xian, China would work along with China Railway. The project’s working drawings come in the English language, so NHCE’s task would be to interpret and translate the language to Chinese. Both companies have many workers. They plan to bring them along to do the work. There would not be any need for locals to be employed.

In his letter, Delgado5 pointed out that it is a mystery to him that our hydro project is located at Amaila when it would in fact be located at Tumatumari. He tells us this: “The rivers, Kuribrong and Amaila, continue beyond the hydro site to about fifty miles until they reach the foot of the Ayanganna mountain where they were born. Both rivers beyond the site have no creeks or swamps emptying into them. They depend entirely on the natural springs at the base of Raleigh and Ayanganna mountains as sources of water in the absence of rainfall.

The reservoirs would contain 30 days of reserved water. If there is no rain in the catchment area for a little over one month, electricity could be produced for about 26 days on reserved water. Should the dry weather continue beyond this time, the reservoir becomes dried out and the turbines starve”, this makes the observations of our not so honourable Minister Benn nonsense, when he says that when there is a catchment, this situation of no water would not be a cause for concern.

Delgado5 also told us that “The project is located only about 52 miles from where the two rivers were born at the foot of the Ayangana Mountain, and so only 9% of all the water contained in the whole of the Kuribrong River would be dispensable to it. The bulk of the water of the Kuribrong would run off to merge with the waters of the full length of the Potaro River to form real rugged rapids at the Tumatumari, where indeed the project should have happened in the first place.” Delgado 5 was telling us that this hydro project should be better located at Tumatumari and not Amaila. He also informed us that “Weight for weight, the civil works when completed on the Amaila Hydro Project would be equal to nearly half the size of the engineering works done on the Guri Hydro Dam in Venezuela. The Guri Hydro Dam, the third largest in the world, produces 10,500MW from 20 large Frances turbines with just about double the size of civil works to be done at Amaila. The Amaila would produce only 100MW from four 25MW Frances mini-turbines. Much too low compared to the size of civil works to be done!”

Mr. Editor, Delgado5 is saying that we will be constructing a dam which entails civil engineering works which will be nearly 50% of what the Guri dam took to construct, but will only produce less than 1 percent of the power Guri does!!
Delgado5 continues “The power weight ratio of the Amaila project is daunting, since the annual tariff paid by GPL for the capacity provided by the project increases as the capital cost increases with dam length and dam height/reserve size and installed turbine capacity. The contractor needs to be cautious, because the general idea of hydro dam installations is to locate a site where there is less demand for too big and costly civil works and an abundance of water.

The power/weight ratio must always be 80% to 90% ratings so that in the end, the general public could enjoy cheap and reliable electricity. The high cost of electricity would also chase away investors. The engineering world today tends to produce products much smaller but with more performance and capacity. It’s a trend.

About Tumatumari, Delgado5 tells us this: “The question is why the only possible site for a hydro dam installation in the Potaro area has been more than once neglected – the Tumatumari Falls.

British Consolidated Gold mining company installed two small Kaplan turbines at the Tumatumari Falls. The facility produced more than enough to power the company’s two giant bucket dredges plus provided energy for the camp sites at Tumatumari and Konawaruk, nine miles away. With only servicing those two turbines, folks at Mahdia, just 9 miles away could have enjoyed 24-hour electricity supply.

Instead, two fuel-guzzling diesels were installed to provide electricity only at nights. A reverse process indeed. It would be very inaccurate to say that the Tumatumari Falls was not chosen for the project because of fear of flooding the area. The Tumatumari Falls has a catchment area of nearly 680 square miles, compared to the meagre 90 square miles of the Amaila Falls. It is sufficient to erect a 40-feet high dam to maintain a reservoir of only 35 feet deep. All the water flow of the entire length of the Amaila River plus the water flow of the entire length of the Potaro River merge into one powerful flow before reaching the Tumatumari Falls. A regular and steady supply of water is guaranteed to maintain the level of the reservoir even through the dry period. So there is no necessity to have an oversized reservoir.”

I am forced to ask the question again, can’t the PPP get anything right? Is their only talent to thief?
Delgado 5 tells us that a hydro project at Tumatumari would be far more economical to build and operate with a much larger catchment [more than 680 sq kilometres] fed by more reliable sources of water and would therefore be more effective and can be built for less than the price of Amaila. And will disturb no Amerindian settlements.
We need the Brazilians! They want to build a hydroelectric project at Tortuba for Manaus and Guyana. if they were in partnership with us, the Venezuelans will have to crawl back into the woodwork from whence they came, since Brazil spends 31 billion on its military annually whilst Venezuela spends only 2.8 billion annually. If we built the road to Brazil, the deep water harbour and the hydropower in the Essequibo, Venezuela would not be able to say a word. Right now with this incompetent, ridiculous government, what do we have to defend us against Venezuela? The PPP has not only destroyed the sugar industry, the bauxite industry, the NIS, the agricultural industry, the police force, the national medical system [public hospital et al] and many of our social organisations, their foreign affairs incompetence may cause us to lose our territory to Venezuela or plunge us into a border war with that country. I have been speaking about the far reaching danger of this incompetence for over a decade, now it has come home to roost.

Tony Vieira

2005 La Guayana Esequiba – Zona en Reclamación. Instituto Geográfico Simón Bolívar  Primera Edición

Nota del editor del blog: Al referenciarse a la República Cooperativa de Guyana se deben de tener en cuenta los 159.500Km2, de territorios ubicados al oeste del río Esequibo conocidos con el nombre de Guayana Esequiba o Zona en Reclamación sujetos al Acuerdo de Ginebra del 17 de febrero de 1966.

Territorios estos sobre los cuales el Gobierno Venezolano en representación de la Nación venezolana se reservo sus derechos sobre los territorios de la Guayana Esequiba en su nota del 26 de mayo de 1966 al reconocerse al nuevo Estado de Guyana:

“...por lo tanto, Venezuela reconoce como territorio del nuevo Estado, el que se sitúa al este de la margen derecha del río Esequibo y reitera ante la comunidad internacional, que se reserva expresamente sus derechos de soberanía territorial sobre la zona que se encuentra en la margen izquierda del precitado río; en consecuencia, el territorio de la Guayana Esequiba sobre el cual Venezuela se reserva expresamente sus derechos soberanos, limita al Este con el nuevo Estado de Guyana, a través de la línea del río Esequibo, tomando éste desde su nacimiento hasta su desembocadura en el Océano Atlántico...”

Mapa que señala el Espacio de Soberanía Marítima Venezolana que se reserva, como Mar Territorial mediante el Decreto Presidencial No 1152 del 09 de Julio de 1968

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