miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009

Cargamento de arroz para Venezuela aun en Guyana

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Paddy for Venezuela still to ship off


By Stabroek staff December 16, 2009 in Local News

The first shipment of paddy, which was expected to leave Guyana for Venezuela several weeks ago under the US$18.1M rice purchase agreement, will now be leaving for the neighbouring country during the course of this week.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, arrangements are currently being finalized for the 400 tonnes shipment of rice, which was originally expected to be shipped since the first week in November. Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud told Stabroek News last week that the first shipment of paddy was expected to leave for Venezuela last weekend. No explanation has been forthcoming from officials for the delay in shipment.
Under the agreement exports were expected to start during the first week in November and be completed by the first week in February.
Guyana and Venezuela inked the US$18.8M($3.7B) rice purchase agreement on October 21. The agreement would see some 50,000 tonnes of paddy and rice being supplied to that country in the next few months at a price higher than current export prices. Concerns had been raised on how the Venezuela deal would affect Guyana’s ability to supply other markets, the Jamaican market in particular. However, Minister Persaud when questioned on the subject recently assured that even if Jamaica purchases its full 60,000 tonnes this year, there will still be enough for Venezuela and other markets.

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Nota del editor del blog: Al referenciarse a la República Cooperativa de Guyana se deben de tener en cuenta los 159.500Km2, de territorios ubicados al oeste del río Esequibo conocidos con el nombre de Guayana Esequiba o Zona en Reclamación sujetos al Acuerdo de Ginebra del 17 de febrero de 1966.

Territorios estos sobre los cuales el gobierno Venezolano en representación de la Nación venezolana se reservo sus derechos sobre los territorios de la Guayana Esequiba en su nota del 26 de mayo de 1966 al reconocerse al nuevo Estado de Guyana .
“...por lo tanto, Venezuela reconoce como territorio del nuevo Estado, el que se sitúa al este de la margen derecha del río Esequibo y reitera ante la comunidad internacional, que se reserva expresamente sus derechos de soberanía territorial sobre la zona que se encuentra en la margen izquierda del precitado río; en consecuencia, el territorio de la Guayana Esequiba sobre el cual Venezuela se reserva expresamente sus derechos soberanos, limita al Este con el nuevo Estado de Guyana, a través de la línea del río Esequibo, tomando éste desde su nacimiento hasta su desembocadura en el Océano Atlántico...”

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